As many may
already know, one of the most anticipated summer movies of 2012, apart from The Avengers, is Prometheus, a science fiction film about a spaceship’s crew that sets
off to find the origins of humanity, but instead stumbles across a threat that
could wipe out the human race. One of
the reasons why so many people are looking forward to this movie is because it
is set in the same universe as the 1979 film Alien, and was initially meant to be a prequel to the movie
trilogy. While Prometheus will not share a direct connection to the Alien
franchise, fans of the Alien saga who watch the trailer for Prometheus will notice an appearance of
HR Giger’s large chair-like structure that appears in the original Alien movie, when the crew of The Nostromo is exploring the unidentified planet, as
well as that whooping siren-like sound that also was heard in the Alien movie’s
trailer. Thus, while there is not a
direct connection, there is bound to be enough to leave Alien fans
excited. So what better way to
commemorate this upcoming cinematic experience than to review the Alien Trilogy, starting with the movie that started it all, Alien?
To start
off, I must confess that the Alien
Trilogy has a particularly special meaning for me, especially since Alien was the very first R-rated movie I
ever saw. And while I can sit through
the movies with no difficulty, I can admit that I would be extremely terrified
if I saw the featured aliens in real life.
To be honest, I actually have a secret phobia of the Xenomorph species,
as the alien is known as within the fan-base, and this phobia is rivaled only
by my deep-rooted fear of demonic entities.
The movie’s
opening is quite slow, and it takes about two minutes before we see the refinery
spaceship called The Nostromo. As the on-screen caption informs us, this
ship contains a crew of seven, and it is currently on its way back to Earth
with 20,000,000 tons of mineral ore that was taken from a planet that will
later be referred to as Thedus. A lot of
this opening sequence is spent setting up the atmosphere, by giving the
audience a thorough tour of The Nostromo. After a few minutes of this atmospheric
set-up, the ship’s computer starts up on its own, resulting in the crew being
woken up from stasis, which is apparently a state of suspended animation that
the crew is placed into during long voyages.
I gotta admit this is a rather nifty idea, as it’s bound to spare the
crew from the issues of sheer boredom and cabin fever that would expectedly
accompany a trip that lasts either months or years. Plus, it would conceivably cut down on the
amount of food that would be needed for the trip.
A while
later, the crew is enjoying their first meal after being woken up, having
friendly chats and discussing the payment they hope to receive for bringing the
mineral ore back. The conversation is
interrupted when Mother, The Nostromo’s computer system, calls up
Captain Dallas to report to the main computer room. While he’s gone, the rest of the crew discovers
that Earth is not appearing in their general vicinity, and they’re not even in
their proper solar system. Captain
Dallas informs the crew that Mother woke them up prematurely because she
intercepted a transmission of unknown origin, which might be an S.O.S., and
therefore woke up the crew so they could investigate. After a brief debate, The Nostromo crew decides to comply and tracks down the
transmission to a strange planet that bears some resemblance to Saturn. They take a portable shuttle-craft down to the
planet. Upon landing, the shuttle-craft
sustains some damage and becomes dry-docked.
While Warrant Officer Ripley, Science Officer Ash and the engineers
Brett and Parker stay behind to make repairs, Captain Dallas, Executive Officer
Kane, and Navigator Lambert don spacesuits and venture out onto the planet to
find the source of the transmission.
It’s during this point in the movie where we see there’s an orange cat
running around. Even though I realize that this is the far future (the movie takes place in 2122), I still find
it odd that space explorers would be allowed to bring their pet cat with them. You’d think that this would present an issue,
since it’s very possible for cats to chew on electrical wires and such. Plus, if the cat in question is a male, they
might start spraying. Cat urine and
electrical computer consoles seem like a bad combo to me. But maybe the cat received special training
prior to being brought out, sorta like how seeing eye dogs must undergo special
training before they can be issued to a blind person.
Captain Dallas, Kane and Lambert come across an alien spacecraft during their
trek across the planet. Inside the ship,
they discover the fossilized remains of an alien lifeform. Dallas
and Lambert notice that the bones of the lifeform have been bent outward, as if
the lifeform had exploded from the outside.
After this discovery, Kane comes across a gaping hole in the ship’s
floor. He decides to head down the hole,
and discovers a large number of leathery eggs.
When Kane moves in to get closer to one of the eggs, the top splits
open, and something burst out, latching itself to Kane’s face.
Ripley has been examining the transmission, and realizes that it appears to be
more of a warning than an S.O.S. She
considers going out to tell Captain Dallas, but Ash waves off her concern,
telling her by the time she finds them; they probably already would have
figured it out themselves. When Captain
Dallas and Lambert return with Kane’s unconscious form, they beg Ripley to let
them inside the ship to bring Kane to the infirmary. Ripley refuses, stating that she ship’s
protocol dictates that Kane must be quarantined for 24 hours first, otherwise
they run the risk of the whole crew becoming contaminated from potential contagions. However, Ash goes against the quarantine procedure
and opens the hatch, allowing them inside.
Kane is brought to the infirmary,
where they try to remove the creature from his face. Unfortunately, their efforts are foiled when
they discover that the creature’s blood is highly corrosive, enough to eat
through the ship. Ash announces that
removing the creature could kill Kane. 
while later, Ripley has a conversation with Ash, in which they discuss the
creature. Ash reveals that he’s
discovered that the creature exhibits the ability to have a prolonged
resistance to adverse environmental conditions.
Ripley then scolds Ash for breaking quarantine procedure and
jeopardizing the whole crew, pointing out that because Captain Dallas and Kane
were off the ship, she was the one in charge, and that a science officer, he
knew full well about the quarantine procedure.
Ash responds by giving Ripley an icy look and pretty much tells her to
get off his back.
Following this, the crew is amazed
to discover that the creature has removed itself from Kane on its own. Ripley discovers the creature when it falls
from the ceiling, and it’s determined that the creature is dead. Ash announces that he wants to study the
creature, but Ripley insists that they get rid of it, on the grounds that it
might be too dangerous. Captain Dallas
decides to leave the decision up to Ash, resulting in a fight between him and
Ripley. Ripley states that she doesn’t
trust Ash, but when she tells Captain Dallas that the repairs have been mostly
completed, he chooses to leave immediately.
During this scene, we also learn that Ash wasn’t originally meant to come
with them on the journey back to Earth. The original science officer, someone
Captain Dallas had previously worked with more than once, was replaced with Ash
two days before they left for the return trip to Earth.
Kane is then revealed to have
regained consciousness, and is apparently unharmed from the ordeal. They celebrate
with one last meal before returning to stasis.
In the middle of the meal, Kane starts to choke and then convulses. Before the horrified eyes of the rest of the
crew, an alien creature explodes out of his chest, killing Kane in the process.
The alien creature runs off and
disappears. After Kain’s body is wrapped
up and jettisoned from the ship in a funeral-like manner, Captain Dallas breaks
the crew into two teams so they can find the alien, arming them with weapons
and motion-sensing tracking devices.
Ripley’s team detects movement, but instead of the alien, they discover
that they were actually hunting the cat, Jones.
(See? I told you that having a cat tag along was not the best
idea.) To ensure that they won’t accidentally start tracking the cat again, Brett heads off to fetch Jones and
place him into a cat-carrier. However,
as Brett is searching for Jones, he stumbles across the alien’s shed skin,
followed by the alien itself. The alien,
who is now fully grown, pulls the screaming Brett up into the airshafts.
Captain Dallas tries to turn to
Mother to determine the best course of action.
However, Mother does not provide any information on possible protocol on
eliminating the Alien. Realizing that
the alien is using the airshafts to move about the ship, the crew decides to
use that to their advantage. Captain
Dallas enters the airshafts to force the alien to the airlock, with Ripley
standing by to open the airlock at a moments notice. After a while, Lambert picks up the alien’s
signal, which indicates that it’s practically on top of Captain Dallas. Dallas
tries to escape, but accidentally runs right into the alien. When the others go to try and help Captain Dallas,
all they find is his gun.
With the crew diminished down to
four, Lambert slips into hysterics, insisting that they abandon ship and take
an escape pod. Ripley calmly informs
Lambert that the escape pod won’t hold four people, and suggests they continue
trying Captain Dallas’ plan to force the alien into the airlock. Ripley accesses Mother’s databanks, hoping to
figure out what to do. In doing so, she
discovers the existence of Special Order 937, an ulterior mission no one knew
about. It turns out that the company The Nostromo crew works for, which has
been unnamed thus far, knew about the mysterious transmission and the existence
of the alien from the get-go. Thus, they
intentionally set the crew up, intending for them to head over to the
Saturn-like planet to collect the alien and bring it back to Earth for analysis
at all costs, with the crew being seen as expendable.
It’s also revealed that Ash was aware of this from the very
beginning. When Ripley tries to warn
Parker and Lambert, Ash attacks Ripley and attempts to smother her with a
rolled up magazine. Thankfully, Parker
and Lambert step in just in time, and Parker decapitates Ash with an iron
bar. In the process, they discover Ash
is actually a robot. Ripley, Parker and
Lambert interrogate Ash and learn that Ash was specifically assigned to go with
them to ensure that the alien made it back to Earth, and that there’s no way to
kill the alien. Before Ripley
disconnects Ash, he expresses his sympathies to the three remaining crew members. 
Ripley then decides that they’ll take
Lambert’s earlier suggestion and blow up the ship, taking their chances in the escape
pod. While Ripley goes off to get the
pod ready for launch, Parker and Lambert get the necessary supplies
together. Just as Ripley begins to start
up the escape pod's engines, she hears a cat’s meow and realizes Jones the cat is still
loose on the ship. She goes off to
collect him and places him in the cat carrier.
Meanwhile, Parker and Lambert are busy with collecting what they need,
but are discovered by the alien, who promptly kills Parker before turning on Lambert.
Ripley, who was unfortunate enough
to overhear the disturbing sounds of the pair's last moments through The Nostromo’s
radio and finds their bodies immediately afterward, initiates the emergency self-destruct sequence,
giving her ten minutes to make it to the escape pod. However she finds her way blocked by the
alien. In desperation, she tries to
override the self-destruct sequence, but fails to do so in time. Realizing that she’s now going to die either way,
she decides to take her chance with the alien, and returns to the escape pod. This time, the alien seems to have
disappeared, enabling Ripley to escape The Nostromo before it blows up at the
last possible second.
Ripley, and the audience, can breathe a sigh of relief, but don’t be fooled, because
it’s not quite over yet. As Ripley is
getting ready to go into stasis with Jones the cat so they can have a peaceful
trip back to Earth, she discovers that the alien actually stowed away inside
the escape pod. Acting quickly, Ripley
slips into a spacesuit and manages to draw the alien out of its hiding
spot. Once the alien is about to attack
her, Ripley opens up the hatch and the explosive decompression forces the alien
out of the ship. The alien grabs on to
the doorframe to stop itself from falling out into space, but Ripley forces it
all the way out by shooting it with a grappling hook.
The alien tries to get back on by crawling into the engines, but Ripley
responds by firing off the engine, causing the alien to be driven off the
escape pod and simply float away.
In a brief
epilogue, Ripley makes an entry into the ship’s data log, stating that the rest
of the crew all perished, and the ship and cargo were destroyed. Her exact words are as follows:
report of the commercial starship Nostromo, third officer reporting. The other
members of the crew, Kane, Lambert, Parker, Brett, Ash and Captain Dallas, are
dead. Cargo and ship destroyed. I should reach the frontier in about six weeks.
With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor
of the Nostromo, signing off.”
After making this entry, Ripley
enters stasis, and the camera focuses on her face as the movie comes to an end. 
Alien is quite possibly one of the
greatest horror/thriller films ever created. While
things start happening right away, it’s hard to realize it until the ball’s
already rolling, something that makes repeat viewings even more enjoyable than
the first time. If you doze off for a
second or two, or let your mind wander during the movie’s opening, you might
not be able to realize what’s going on when the action picks up. While the film is filled with scary and frightening
moments, the majority of the time focuses on the characters as they react to the
events unfolding around them. Unlike
many of the modern-day horror movies I could name, this one doesn’t have the
usual dumb horror movie elements that run rampant these days, such as how the
person running from the killer ALWAYS trips, or how the protagonist’s friend inconsiderately sneaks up behind them to tap their shoulder. Oh, and the black guy ISN’T the one who gets
it first. In this movie, he is one of the
last people to be killed off. Plus, there’s
also no use of the irritating exposition sequences. This movie allows us to figure stuff out on
our own. It would be really great if
future horror movies looked back at this film and took some lessons. Because THIS is how you do horror.
When it comes to the set designs, one really has to give props to the production crew, particularly H. R. Giger and Ridley Scott. That pair really did an incredible job of designing the Xenomorph alien, the alien spaceship, and even the world within The Nostromo. It's such a magnificent display of futuristic but slightly recognizable technology for The Nostromo, and elegant Wow-ness on the alien planet. Even the Xenomorh is beautiful but menacing at the same time, combining human-like features with terrifying alien.
What is particularly intriguing
about this movie is that there are actually multiple ‘monsters’ that threaten
the crew of The Nostromo. Obviously, the first is the alien itself, who
puts the crew into danger simply because of its very nature and instincts. This alien isn’t a chainsaw-wielding madman
or a child’s toy possessed by a deranged serial killer. It attacks and kills the crew because that’s
what the Xenomorph species does. The
alien species is simply born to kill.
Even their reproduction is parasitic in nature.
In addition to the alien, there’s
also the faceless and nameless company they work for. This company, as we eventually discover,
intentionally sent out their own employees to collect the alien creature and
bring it back, not even caring about how the entire crew would undoubtedly die
as a result. For that reason, this movie
is not just about a group of space explorers trying to escape from an alien
monster, it’s also about the evil nature of mankind who place more value upon
money and power than the lives of others.
There is also the element of Ash, the science officer who turns out to
be a robot. Initially, the audience is
led to believe that Ash is simply showing compassion for Kane when he breaks
protocol and allows him back onto the ship, and everything else he does, such as his reluctance in removing the facehugger from Kane,
initially places no suspicion on him.
But once it’s revealed that Ash was a robot that was placed aboard The
Nostromo to ensure the alien’s survival, all of his previous actions are seen
in a new light, and we realize that for the entire time, he was only concerned
about the alien monster. And thus, we
have the third ‘monster’ in the form of the internal enemy.
Finally, we have the existence of
Mother, the ship’s main computer, and the movie’s underlying chilling factor. It is more-or-less a universal fact that a mother’s main
duty is to protect those under her care.
But in this movie, Mother is nothing more than a machine that is only
able to follow her set programming, and cares nothing for the crew as the alien
wipes them out one-by-one. She is unable
to do anything more than what she’s been programmed to do, so she is incapable
of forming an emotional bond with the crew members and feels no sympathy for
them as they are killed off. Thus, the fact that she is called Mother makes for some rather cruel irony.
When it comes to the characters
themselves, we generally know very little about their personal history, but it
comes apparent that they share a certain bond and synergy, as indicated by
their friendly banter in a few scenes In
spite of this, I admittedly have no true opinion on most of the characters in
this movie. I neither like nor hate
them, but I do grant them more leeway than I would for characters in other
movies. For example, in one scene, the
character of Lambert is sniveling and crying, and pretty much acting like your
run-of-the-mill damsel in distress.
However, while I would usually be irritated by characters like that, in
Lambert’s case, I can forgive her, because I realize how terrified she is about
what’s happening, and cannot blame her for that. To be perfectly
honest, the only character I have a personal gripe about is Captain
Dallas. He simply strikes me as shoddy
excuse for a captain who constantly refuses to take responsibility for what
happens on his ship. When Ash and Ripley
have their disagreement about what to do with the dead Facehugger, Captain
Dallas neglects to step up to the plate and leaves the final choice to
Ash. And even in a deleted scene,
Captain Dallas tells Ripley off for refusing to let them on-board when he and
Lambert were carrying the unconscious Kane, even though Ripley was following a
law that was created to ensure the safety of the majority of the crew. These instances seem to suggest that Captain
Dallas either doesn’t realize the full extent of his responsibilities as
captain, or simply refuses to consider the well being of the entire crew.
That wraps up my review of
Alien. But keep an eye out for the next
review, which will focus on the sequel, Aliens.
P.S. Why WAS Jones the cat brought
aboard The Nostromo in the first place?